It involves stimulating specific points on the body with special, usually hair-thin needles. Acupuncture has many benefits. It helps to relieve pain and regulate imbalances that may exist in the body, causing various, internal, and external illnesses and symptoms. It stimulates the central nervous system, provoking the body to produce various substances, including endorphins, immune system cells, opioids, and neurotransmitters that in turn direct the body toward recovery. It can help control pain, change the way the body feels it, and improve physical and emotional well-being, the quality of health, and life in general, by improving acute and chronic conditions.
Treatment with acupuncture needles usually requires a series of treatments to be effective. One acupuncture session may take 30 to 60 minutes depending on the individual needs. There are many systems of acupuncture, such as abdominal, auricular, or scalp acupuncture to name a few, one being more beneficial to one patient than the other. It will be up to the practitioner to choose the most beneficial system for the individual needs of the patient.
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